breakfast day 1



how are you guys ?! 

um talk about delish!!  I had such a fun weekend! we difinently got our share of playoff hockey this weekend! of course, watching all the games played on tv and went to a couple knights vs kings games .. sadly we didn't  win and now by the time I was able to write this and post it up we've been knocked out of the playoffs ... noooooo! I'm so bummed.. I thought we were going to go so far..  but the way the knights were playing , I guess they deserved to win. ( did I really just say that ? ) haha

in between our hockey escapades somehow we found time to enjoy ( enjoy is an understatement ) a little R&R. spoiled ourselves with all this amazing food! I have to say the waffles were probably some of the best ever! 

comment where I should go next!

have you been anywhere fun lately ?! I wanna hear! 

xx, micaela



48 hour vacay


hi guys!

who doesn't love a spontaneous getaway?!? I know I do!

spent a couple days recharging... basically just laying out in the sun, a little swimming and of course eating amazing food! how good does that quinoa salad look?!

you can make your own salad just like this one I have, with the recipe coming this week. stay tuned! 

hope you have a great day!

xx, micaela

Thanksgiving Vacation


Happy Friday everyone! Since i didn't have a post yesterday because of Thanksgiving, I thought I would share some pics from my 2 day vacay! My family and I went up to northern California, to one of my favorite cities ever! I have a horse named Capri, that it out at pasture so we visited her. The pictures I posted are from the barn. After, we went exploring for some Scandinavian desserts, which, I really look forward to! We went to one of our good friend's restaurant for our thanksgiving dinner. It was so delicious! The first course was a farm fresh apple salad with a lemon vinaigrette. The second course was the turkey of course! On the plate it had lightly whipped mashed potatoes and some grilled squash and zucchini. The dessert course was a choice of pumpkin cheesecake or a chocolate mousse, I chose the mousse because thats one of my favorites! I'm working on some recipes to post within the next couple of days so keep checking back for a new one! 

xx, Micaela